
Showing posts from May, 2020

Introduction to Docker

Docker provides, Package Once Deploy Anywhere, or PODA. Docker Concepts: Docker simplifies software delivery of distributed applications in three ways: Build: Provides tools to create containerized applications. Developer package the application, its dependencies and infrastructure as read only templates. These are called the Docker image. Ship: Allows to share these applications in a secure and collaborative manner. Docker images are stored, shared and manged in a Docker registry. Docker Hub is a publicly available registry. This is the default registry for all images. Run: The ability to deploy,manage and scale these applications. Docker container is a runtime representation of an image. Container can be run, started, scaled, moved and deleted. What is  Docker Client ? The client is a Docker binary that accepts commands from the user and communicates back and forth with the Docker Engine. What is Docker Host: A machine, either physical or ...